Preparing for the second wave – Business security plans for coronavirus 2.0

Preparing for the second wave – Business security plans for coronavirus 2.0

When lockdown measures began to be eased towards the middle of July, many of us thought we’d reached the beginning of the end, as far as coronavirus was concerned.

Others, however, were a little more pragmatic and realised that eventually, a second wave of infections was not only likely but inevitable.

On September 22nd, 2020, it was confirmed that stricter measures were about to be enforced in preparation for the second wave of COVID-19 that would most likely last until at least the end of winter.

This undoubtedly sent shockwaves of panic amongst businesses who had only just started to get back on their feet after the last lockdown.

Now, this isn’t a full-on lockdown. The economy probably couldn’t survive that. This is effectively ‘lockdown light’, but that doesn’t mean businesses shouldn’t be preparing themselves for a more aggressive strain of the virus this winter.

So, how should these businesses be steadying themselves in the fight against COVID and the fight to keep the economy and themselves afloat?


Staying safe at work during the second wave

If we all learned anything from the lockdown it’s that there’s a great deal to be said for continuity planning – ensuring you’ve pre-planned how you’re going to keep your business operational even amid a global pandemic. Business security solutions can play a major role here in keeping things running smoothly.

It will be important in the coming months, for example, for staff to ensure they are always wearing a face mask when indoors to help prevent the spread of the virus.

A heavier investment in CCTV cameras and access controls means security will be able to monitor who is and who is not complying with the rules and will even be able to allow staff in or block them out if they can’t prove they have a mask to hand.

An integrated security system takes things even further – combining surveillance with access and alarm systems that can be triggered if a case is confirmed in the office or if somebody’s temperature registers as being too high.

It might sound like paranoia, but in the coming months, this kind of vigilance is the only way we’re going to be able to beat this virus and save our economy.


Stocking up on the essentials

As well as staying safe, businesses need to be able to know they can continue operating as normal.

Of course, there are going to be more staff working from home given the latest COVID guidelines but most offices will still be operating with a skeleton crew that will need essentials.

Besides the obvious office supplies like paper and ink, they are also going to require personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies.

It’s also likely that a second spike could disrupt the supply chain, so it’s recommended that all companies stock up on the essentials wherever possible.

Of course, you don’t want to go overboard (we all remember the toilet paper fiascos back in March), but be realistic and consider what you definitely can and can’t go on without.


Employee training

Perhaps the most crucial thing you can do in preparing for the second wave of coronavirus is to be transparent with your staff and you keep them fully briefed and trained to cover each other where possible and to work from home effectively.

It’s only by working together that we’re going to get through this and a large part of that is trust and communication.

At least this time, we have a precedent to learn from but times have never been more uncertain and we can’t know what specific challenges are coming our way next. We can certainly be prepared though!