Summer Security Tips for Your Business Blog

Summer Security Tips for Your Business

As the summer season approaches and businesses prepare for warmer weather and longer daylight hours, it’s important to remain vigilant against potential security threats that accompany this time of year. At Lee Fire & Security, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business premises and assets year-round. Here are valuable…

How to Choose the Right Intruder Alarm for Your Business

If there’s one thing all business owners can agree on, it’s that crime isn’t good for business. If you’re looking to avoid the time, money and resources that go into dealing with break-ins and theft, intruder alarms are an affordable and effective crime deterrent for your commercial space. With crime…

Fire safety engineers completing a fire risk assessment for the new Fire Safety Regulations 2022

The Fire Safety Regulations 2022

The Fire Safety Regulations 2022 From 23 January 2023, the Fire Safety Regulations 2022 will be coming into force. These new regulations have been implemented following the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and require responsible persons of high-rise residential buildings as well as those above 11 metres in height, to provide additional…

5 Benefits of Having CCTV Installed at Your Business

A commercial CCTV system (Closed Circuit Television) benefits businesses and commercial buildings in many ways. Regardless of the industry sector, location or size, CCTV cameras have become a vital piece of security equipment to safeguard staff, visitors, equipment, and premises alike. Not only do CCTV cameras help deter crime, but…

Notice of Bank Detail Changes

Lee Fire & Security Announcement of New Bank Details We wish to advise our customers of the following changes to Lee Fire & Security bank details. Please amend your records to make sure all future payments are debited/credited to our new account.   New Account Details:   Bank: HSBC A/C…

Cheshire Hotelier Fined £5000 and Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison after Fire Safety Breaches

The owner of the Main Top Hotel on Mersey Road in West Bank, Widnes, was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court on 28 April after pleading guilty to nine breaches of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. William Scott Anthony Hanson, of Cooper Street, Widnes, was brought charges after being…

Man checking fire extinguishers

The Importance of a Fire Risk Assessment

By law, all organisations must complete an annual fire risk assessment to identify areas of risk within their operation and premises. However, fire risk assessments are more than simply a box-ticking exercise; their findings are of vital importance to the safety of your employees and premises. At Lee Security, we’ve…

Security surveillance camera against a blue sky

How to Keep Your Business Safe Over Summer

As the summer season arrives and we all look forward to trips away and leaving work promptly to enjoy the early evening sun, it’s important to think about the increased security risks that the summertime can potentially bring to your business. Here’s some useful tips on how to keep your…

Intruder alarm trends for 2022

For most homes and place of work, a good intruder alarm is the bare minimum security solution. So millions of alarms are currently installed across the country, some utilising the latest in smart technology and other many years or even decades old. It’s predicted that as many as one in…

Lee Security Exciting News for 2022

CCTV is a practical and cost effective way to deter intruders or thieves from your business premises, and can also be a great way to encourage productivity in the workplace. At Advance Security, we offer a range of CCTV systems for businesses throughout Cambridge and East Anglia, and are experts at installing both covert and overt security cameras to help you keep an eye on your premises 24/7.