Summer Security Tips for Your Business

Summer Security Tips for Your Business Blog

As the summer season approaches and businesses prepare for warmer weather and longer daylight hours, it’s important to remain vigilant against potential security threats that accompany this time of year. At Lee Fire & Security, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business premises and assets year-round. Here are valuable tips to help ensure your…

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How to Choose the Right Intruder Alarm for Your Business

If there’s one thing all business owners can agree on, it’s that crime isn’t good for business. If you’re looking to avoid the time, money and resources that go into dealing with break-ins and theft, intruder alarms are an affordable and effective crime deterrent for your commercial space. With crime against businesses still being a…

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How to Keep Your Business Safe Over Summer

Security surveillance camera against a blue sky

As the summer season arrives and we all look forward to trips away and leaving work promptly to enjoy the early evening sun, it’s important to think about the increased security risks that the summertime can potentially bring to your business. Here’s some useful tips on how to keep your business safe over the summer.…

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Graded vs ungraded security alarms

Grades are important – they let us know how qualified something is and whether or not we should trust an individual, a business or a product with our money. When it comes to your home security intruder alarms, it’s even more vital to ensure you’re getting quality service from a quality product and, while unbiased…

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Intruder alarm trends for 2022

For most homes and place of work, a good intruder alarm is the bare minimum security solution. So millions of alarms are currently installed across the country, some utilising the latest in smart technology and other many years or even decades old. It’s predicted that as many as one in four households will have an…

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What happens to your security system during a power cut?

There are few things in life more frustrating than a power cut. It always seems to happen at the most inopportune moments – when we’ve just settled in for a night of Netflix or when the baby has just dropped off to sleep. But aside from the inconvenience of having your night ruined, when the…

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Does 5G represent the future of intruder alarms and security systems?

Does 5G represent the future of intruder alarms and security systems?

With 2G and 3G slowly being phased out worldwide, everybody is looking ahead to the fifth generation of wireless communication. 5G is here and it’s not just having an impact on the mobile phone trade. Indeed, the potential for 5G is almost limitless and stretches across industries. It is even set to have a monumental impact on…

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